Sumita Town of Iwate Prefecture, Japan, has announced that it will subsidize three-quarters of the purchase price of pellet stoves (installation cost excluded) starting from fiscal 2004 for a limited time.
The eligible recipients of the subsidy are residents and business entities in the town. Pellet stoves produced both in Japan and abroad will be covered with the plan. The details, including the maximum funds to be provided under the subsidy, are under consideration.
Pellet stoves use pellets made of wood biomass such as bark and wood meal as fuel. Currently, basic models sell at high prices, from 200,000 to 400,000 yen (U.S.$1,900 to U.S.$3,700), presenting a major obstacle to sales.
Sumita Town, about 90 percent of which is covered by forests, has been making a strong effort to introduce wood biomass energy. In 2003, the town built wood pellet production lines in mills, and started to produce and sell wood pellets. It has installed pellet stoves in public facilities such as schools. The new subsidy is intended to promote the use of pellet stoves at home.