The U.S. Agriculture Department on Tuesday awarded $97 million in loan guarantees to support four biofuels projects as part of a broad push to encourage renewable energy use.
Clean Burn Fuels LLC will be loaned $35 million to build an ethanol plant in Hoke County, N.C., and Blackhawk Biofuels LLC was awarded $27.5 million for a planned biodiesel plant near Freeport, Ill.
Appling County Pellets LLC was awarded $19.5 million to produce wood pellet fuel in Appling County, Ga., and National Trail Biodiesel will be loaned $15 million to build a biodiesel production plant in Jasper County, Ill.
Current law mandates 7.5 billion gallons of renewable fuel use in the U.S. by 2012, but proposed legislation would increase the requirements to 36 billion gallons per year by 2022.